Class cascading.flow.hadoop.MapReduceFlowPlatformTest












Test Duration Result
testCascade 3m30.71s passed
testFlow 1m17.08s passed

Standard output

2015-08-12 10:38:42,065 INFO  platform.PlatformRunner ( - found 1 test platforms from classpath
2015-08-12 10:38:42,185 INFO  platform.PlatformRunner ( - installing platform: hadoop2-mr1
2015-08-12 10:38:42,186 INFO  platform.PlatformRunner ( - running test: cascading.flow.hadoop.MapReduceFlowPlatformTest
2015-08-12 10:38:42,271 INFO  hadoop2.Hadoop2MR1Platform ( - using cluster
2015-08-12 10:38:44,330 WARN  util.NativeCodeLoader (<clinit>(62)) - Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
Formatting using clusterid: testClusterID
2015-08-12 10:38:46,154 WARN  impl.MetricsConfig ( - Cannot locate configuration: tried,
2015-08-12 10:38:54,717 WARN  containermanager.AuxServices ( - The Auxilurary Service named 'mapreduce_shuffle' in the configuration is for class class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ShuffleHandler which has a name of 'httpshuffle'. Because these are not the same tools trying to send ServiceData and read Service Meta Data may have issues unless the refer to the name in the config.
2015-08-12 10:38:55,113 WARN  containermanager.AuxServices ( - The Auxilurary Service named 'mapreduce_shuffle' in the configuration is for class class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ShuffleHandler which has a name of 'httpshuffle'. Because these are not the same tools trying to send ServiceData and read Service Meta Data may have issues unless the refer to the name in the config.
2015-08-12 10:38:55,429 WARN  containermanager.AuxServices ( - The Auxilurary Service named 'mapreduce_shuffle' in the configuration is for class class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ShuffleHandler which has a name of 'httpshuffle'. Because these are not the same tools trying to send ServiceData and read Service Meta Data may have issues unless the refer to the name in the config.
2015-08-12 10:38:55,672 WARN  containermanager.AuxServices ( - The Auxilurary Service named 'mapreduce_shuffle' in the configuration is for class class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ShuffleHandler which has a name of 'httpshuffle'. Because these are not the same tools trying to send ServiceData and read Service Meta Data may have issues unless the refer to the name in the config.
2015-08-12 10:39:12,897 INFO  platform.TestPlatform ( - platform property overrides: 
2015-08-12 10:39:13,218 INFO  property.AppProps ( - using 669020AAB70C4F4B883ECDEA6C6E996F
2015-08-12 10:39:13,655 INFO  util.Version ( - Concurrent, Inc - Cascading 2.7.1
2015-08-12 10:39:13,659 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [mrflow] starting
2015-08-12 10:39:13,661 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [mrflow]  source: Hfs["NullScheme"]["hdfs://localhost:60846/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/classes/test/data/apache.10.txt"]
2015-08-12 10:39:13,663 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [mrflow]  sink: Hfs["NullScheme"]["hdfs://localhost:60846/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flowTest"]
2015-08-12 10:39:13,666 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [mrflow]  parallel execution is enabled: true
2015-08-12 10:39:13,666 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [mrflow]  starting jobs: 1
2015-08-12 10:39:13,666 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [mrflow]  allocating threads: 1
2015-08-12 10:39:13,668 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [mrflow] starting step: Hfs["NullScheme"]["hdfs://localhost:60846/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flowTest"]
2015-08-12 10:39:13,944 WARN  mapreduce.JobSubmitter ( - Hadoop command-line option parsing not performed. Implement the Tool interface and execute your application with ToolRunner to remedy this.
2015-08-12 10:39:13,962 WARN  mapreduce.JobSubmitter ( - No job jar file set.  User classes may not be found. See Job or Job#setJar(String).
2015-08-12 10:39:14,804 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [mrflow] submitted hadoop job: job_1439401147382_0001
2015-08-12 10:39:14,804 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [mrflow] tracking url:
2015-08-12 10:39:47,281 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0001_01_000002 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:39:50,302 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0001_01_000004 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:39:57,796 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0001_01_000006 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:39:59,275 INFO  util.Hadoop18TapUtil ( - deleting temp path hdfs://localhost:60846/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flowTest/_temporary
2015-08-12 10:39:59,326 INFO  cascading.PlatformTestCase ( - copying to local /home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output//hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flowTest
2015-08-12 10:39:59,460 INFO  util.HadoopUtil ( - using default application jar, may cause class not found exceptions on the cluster
2015-08-12 10:39:59,463 INFO  planner.HadoopPlanner ( - using application jar: /root/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/cascading/cascading-hadoop2-mr1/2.7.1/78a07fbd83388056abdb4b5e48f666735b06cf7c/cascading-hadoop2-mr1-2.7.1.jar
2015-08-12 10:39:59,624 INFO  util.HadoopUtil ( - using default application jar, may cause class not found exceptions on the cluster
2015-08-12 10:39:59,627 INFO  planner.HadoopPlanner ( - using application jar: /root/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/cascading/cascading-hadoop2-mr1/2.7.1/78a07fbd83388056abdb4b5e48f666735b06cf7c/cascading-hadoop2-mr1-2.7.1.jar
2015-08-12 10:39:59,996 INFO  cascade.Cascade ( - [first-flow+second-flow...] starting
2015-08-12 10:40:00,009 INFO  cascade.Cascade ( - [first-flow+second-flow...]  parallel execution is enabled: true
2015-08-12 10:40:00,011 INFO  cascade.Cascade ( - [first-flow+second-flow...]  starting flows: 5
2015-08-12 10:40:00,011 INFO  cascade.Cascade ( - [first-flow+second-flow...]  allocating threads: 5
2015-08-12 10:40:00,014 INFO  cascade.Cascade ( - [first-flow+second-flow...] starting flow: first-flow
2015-08-12 10:40:00,020 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [first-flow] at least one sink is marked for delete
2015-08-12 10:40:00,021 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [first-flow] sink oldest modified date: Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 PST 1969
2015-08-12 10:40:00,028 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [first-flow] starting
2015-08-12 10:40:00,031 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [first-flow]  source: Hfs["TextLine[['offset', 'line']->[ALL]]"]["/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/classes/test/data/apache.10.txt"]
2015-08-12 10:40:00,032 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [first-flow]  sink: Hfs["TextLine[['offset', 'line']->[ALL]]"]["/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow4"]
2015-08-12 10:40:00,035 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [first-flow]  parallel execution is enabled: true
2015-08-12 10:40:00,036 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [first-flow]  starting jobs: 1
2015-08-12 10:40:00,038 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [first-flow]  allocating threads: 1
2015-08-12 10:40:00,043 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [first-flow] starting step: (1/1) ...preduceflowplatform/flow4
2015-08-12 10:40:00,449 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [first-flow] submitted hadoop job: job_1439401147382_0002
2015-08-12 10:40:00,449 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [first-flow] tracking url:
2015-08-12 10:40:38,173 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0002_01_000004 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:40:38,888 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0002_01_000005 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:40:40,808 INFO  util.Hadoop18TapUtil ( - deleting temp path /home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow4/_temporary
2015-08-12 10:40:40,812 INFO  cascade.Cascade ( - [first-flow+second-flow...] completed flow: first-flow
2015-08-12 10:40:40,813 INFO  cascade.Cascade ( - [first-flow+second-flow...] starting flow: second-flow
2015-08-12 10:40:40,813 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [second-flow] at least one sink is marked for delete
2015-08-12 10:40:40,813 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [second-flow] sink oldest modified date: Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 PST 1969
2015-08-12 10:40:40,835 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [second-flow] starting
2015-08-12 10:40:40,836 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [second-flow]  source: Hfs["TextLine[['offset', 'line']->[ALL]]"]["/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow4"]
2015-08-12 10:40:40,838 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [second-flow]  sink: Hfs["TextLine[['offset', 'line']->[ALL]]"]["/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow5"]
2015-08-12 10:40:40,839 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [second-flow]  parallel execution is enabled: true
2015-08-12 10:40:40,840 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [second-flow]  starting jobs: 1
2015-08-12 10:40:40,842 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [second-flow]  allocating threads: 1
2015-08-12 10:40:40,846 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [second-flow] starting step: (1/1) ...preduceflowplatform/flow5
2015-08-12 10:40:41,148 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [second-flow] submitted hadoop job: job_1439401147382_0003
2015-08-12 10:40:41,148 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [second-flow] tracking url:
2015-08-12 10:41:19,200 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0003_01_000003 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:41:20,520 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0003_01_000005 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:41:21,904 INFO  util.Hadoop18TapUtil ( - deleting temp path /home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow5/_temporary
2015-08-12 10:41:21,908 INFO  cascade.Cascade ( - [first-flow+second-flow...] completed flow: second-flow
2015-08-12 10:41:21,909 INFO  cascade.Cascade ( - [first-flow+second-flow...] starting flow: first-mr
2015-08-12 10:41:21,909 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [first-mr] at least one sink is marked for delete
2015-08-12 10:41:21,910 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [first-mr] sink oldest modified date: Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 PST 1969
2015-08-12 10:41:21,923 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [first-mr] starting
2015-08-12 10:41:21,924 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [first-mr]  source: Hfs["NullScheme"]["hdfs://localhost:60846/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow5"]
2015-08-12 10:41:21,925 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [first-mr]  sink: Hfs["NullScheme"]["hdfs://localhost:60846/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow1"]
2015-08-12 10:41:21,926 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [first-mr]  parallel execution is enabled: true
2015-08-12 10:41:21,926 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [first-mr]  starting jobs: 1
2015-08-12 10:41:21,926 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [first-mr]  allocating threads: 1
2015-08-12 10:41:21,928 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [first-mr] starting step: Hfs["NullScheme"]["hdfs://localhost:60846/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow1"]
2015-08-12 10:41:22,015 WARN  mapreduce.JobSubmitter ( - Hadoop command-line option parsing not performed. Implement the Tool interface and execute your application with ToolRunner to remedy this.
2015-08-12 10:41:22,030 WARN  mapreduce.JobSubmitter ( - No job jar file set.  User classes may not be found. See Job or Job#setJar(String).
2015-08-12 10:41:22,230 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [first-mr] submitted hadoop job: job_1439401147382_0004
2015-08-12 10:41:22,230 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [first-mr] tracking url:
2015-08-12 10:42:05,759 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0004_01_000002 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:42:06,532 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0004_01_000005 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:42:07,362 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0004_01_000006 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:42:07,405 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0004_01_000004 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:42:07,481 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0004_01_000007 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:42:15,001 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0004_01_000008 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:42:16,638 INFO  util.Hadoop18TapUtil ( - deleting temp path hdfs://localhost:60846/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow1/_temporary
2015-08-12 10:42:16,650 INFO  cascade.Cascade ( - [first-flow+second-flow...] completed flow: first-mr
2015-08-12 10:42:16,651 INFO  cascade.Cascade ( - [first-flow+second-flow...] starting flow: second-mr
2015-08-12 10:42:16,651 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [second-mr] at least one sink is marked for delete
2015-08-12 10:42:16,652 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [second-mr] sink oldest modified date: Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 PST 1969
2015-08-12 10:42:16,659 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [second-mr] starting
2015-08-12 10:42:16,660 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [second-mr]  source: Hfs["NullScheme"]["hdfs://localhost:60846/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow1"]
2015-08-12 10:42:16,661 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [second-mr]  sink: Hfs["NullScheme"]["hdfs://localhost:60846/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow2"]
2015-08-12 10:42:16,662 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [second-mr]  parallel execution is enabled: true
2015-08-12 10:42:16,662 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [second-mr]  starting jobs: 1
2015-08-12 10:42:16,662 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [second-mr]  allocating threads: 1
2015-08-12 10:42:16,665 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [second-mr] starting step: Hfs["NullScheme"]["hdfs://localhost:60846/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow2"]
2015-08-12 10:42:16,736 WARN  mapreduce.JobSubmitter ( - Hadoop command-line option parsing not performed. Implement the Tool interface and execute your application with ToolRunner to remedy this.
2015-08-12 10:42:16,743 WARN  mapreduce.JobSubmitter ( - No job jar file set.  User classes may not be found. See Job or Job#setJar(String).
2015-08-12 10:42:16,963 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [second-mr] submitted hadoop job: job_1439401147382_0005
2015-08-12 10:42:16,964 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [second-mr] tracking url:
2015-08-12 10:42:49,865 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0005_01_000003 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:42:50,433 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0005_01_000002 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:42:52,190 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0005_01_000004 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:42:59,758 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0005_01_000006 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:43:01,208 INFO  util.Hadoop18TapUtil ( - deleting temp path hdfs://localhost:60846/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow2/_temporary
2015-08-12 10:43:01,211 INFO  cascade.Cascade ( - [first-flow+second-flow...] completed flow: second-mr
2015-08-12 10:43:01,211 INFO  cascade.Cascade ( - [first-flow+second-flow...] starting flow: third-mr
2015-08-12 10:43:01,212 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [third-mr] at least one sink is marked for delete
2015-08-12 10:43:01,212 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [third-mr] sink oldest modified date: Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 PST 1969
2015-08-12 10:43:01,218 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [third-mr] starting
2015-08-12 10:43:01,219 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [third-mr]  source: Hfs["NullScheme"]["hdfs://localhost:60846/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow2"]
2015-08-12 10:43:01,220 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [third-mr]  sink: Hfs["NullScheme"]["hdfs://localhost:60846/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow3"]
2015-08-12 10:43:01,221 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [third-mr]  parallel execution is enabled: true
2015-08-12 10:43:01,221 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [third-mr]  starting jobs: 1
2015-08-12 10:43:01,222 INFO  flow.Flow ( - [third-mr]  allocating threads: 1
2015-08-12 10:43:01,225 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [third-mr] starting step: Hfs["NullScheme"]["hdfs://localhost:60846/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow3"]
2015-08-12 10:43:01,286 WARN  mapreduce.JobSubmitter ( - Hadoop command-line option parsing not performed. Implement the Tool interface and execute your application with ToolRunner to remedy this.
2015-08-12 10:43:01,290 WARN  mapreduce.JobSubmitter ( - No job jar file set.  User classes may not be found. See Job or Job#setJar(String).
2015-08-12 10:43:01,479 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [third-mr] submitted hadoop job: job_1439401147382_0006
2015-08-12 10:43:01,480 INFO  flow.FlowStep ( - [third-mr] tracking url:
2015-08-12 10:43:18,806 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0006_01_000002 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:43:28,434 WARN  nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor ( - Exit code from container container_1439401147382_0006_01_000003 is : 143
2015-08-12 10:43:29,873 INFO  util.Hadoop18TapUtil ( - deleting temp path hdfs://localhost:60846/home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output/hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow3/_temporary
2015-08-12 10:43:29,876 INFO  cascade.Cascade ( - [first-flow+second-flow...] completed flow: third-mr
2015-08-12 10:43:29,924 INFO  cascading.PlatformTestCase ( - copying to local /home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output//hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow3
2015-08-12 10:43:29,940 INFO  cascading.PlatformTestCase ( - copying to local /home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output//hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow4
2015-08-12 10:43:29,978 INFO  cascading.PlatformTestCase ( - copying to local /home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output//hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow1
2015-08-12 10:43:29,997 INFO  cascading.PlatformTestCase ( - copying to local /home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output//hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow2
2015-08-12 10:43:30,012 INFO  cascading.PlatformTestCase ( - copying to local /home/cascading/ryab/cascading.compatibility/biginsights-4.0.x/build/test/output//hadoop2-mr1/mapreduceflowplatform/flow5

Standard error

Aug 12, 2015 10:39:08 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory register
INFO: Registering org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.hs.webapp.HsWebServices as a root resource class
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:08 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory register
INFO: Registering org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.hs.webapp.JAXBContextResolver as a provider class
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:08 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory register
INFO: Registering org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.GenericExceptionHandler as a provider class
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:08 AM com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.9 09/02/2011 11:17 AM'
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:08 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory getComponentProvider
INFO: Binding org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.hs.webapp.JAXBContextResolver to GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "Singleton"
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:09 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory getComponentProvider
INFO: Binding org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.GenericExceptionHandler to GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "Singleton"
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:10 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory getComponentProvider
INFO: Binding org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.hs.webapp.HsWebServices to GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "PerRequest"
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:10 AM setPipeline
WARNING: Multiple Servlet injectors detected. This is a warning indicating that you have more than one GuiceFilter running in your web application. If this is deliberate, you may safely ignore this message. If this is NOT deliberate however, your application may not work as expected.
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:10 AM setPipeline
WARNING: Multiple Servlet injectors detected. This is a warning indicating that you have more than one GuiceFilter running in your web application. If this is deliberate, you may safely ignore this message. If this is NOT deliberate however, your application may not work as expected.
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:10 AM setPipeline
WARNING: Multiple Servlet injectors detected. This is a warning indicating that you have more than one GuiceFilter running in your web application. If this is deliberate, you may safely ignore this message. If this is NOT deliberate however, your application may not work as expected.
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:11 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory register
INFO: Registering org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.webapp.JAXBContextResolver as a provider class
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:11 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory register
INFO: Registering org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.webapp.RMWebServices as a root resource class
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:11 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory register
INFO: Registering org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.GenericExceptionHandler as a provider class
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:11 AM com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.9 09/02/2011 11:17 AM'
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:11 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory getComponentProvider
INFO: Binding org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.webapp.JAXBContextResolver to GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "Singleton"
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:11 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory getComponentProvider
INFO: Binding org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.GenericExceptionHandler to GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "Singleton"
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:12 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory getComponentProvider
INFO: Binding org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.webapp.RMWebServices to GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "Singleton"
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:12 AM setPipeline
WARNING: Multiple Servlet injectors detected. This is a warning indicating that you have more than one GuiceFilter running in your web application. If this is deliberate, you may safely ignore this message. If this is NOT deliberate however, your application may not work as expected.
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:12 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory register
INFO: Registering org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.webapp.NMWebServices as a root resource class
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:12 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory register
INFO: Registering org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.GenericExceptionHandler as a provider class
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:12 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory register
INFO: Registering org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.webapp.JAXBContextResolver as a provider class
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:12 AM com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.9 09/02/2011 11:17 AM'
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:12 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory getComponentProvider
INFO: Binding org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.webapp.JAXBContextResolver to GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "Singleton"
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:12 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory getComponentProvider
INFO: Binding org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.GenericExceptionHandler to GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "Singleton"
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:13 AM com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory getComponentProvider
INFO: Binding org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.webapp.NMWebServices to GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "Singleton"
Aug 12, 2015 10:39:13 AM setPipeline
WARNING: Multiple Servlet injectors detected. This is a warning indicating that you have more than one GuiceFilter running in your web application. If this is deliberate, you may safely ignore this message. If this is NOT deliberate however, your application may not work as expected.